Haleko Sugar Mill #13

Haleko Sugar Mill, Archit­ecture - sugar mill, lihue artwork by Emily Miller
Palm trees and tropical vegetation growing among the abandoned machinery at Kauai's Lihue Mill. The sugar mill closed in 2001 after 150 years of operation. Today the mill has been completely dismantled.

Received Honorable Mention, Art Kauai 2004

Watercolor, 2004

11 x 14

Original Painting Sold

Purchase Haleko Sugar Mill, Archit­ecture Art Prints:

5x7 matted to 8x10" Art print
8x10 matted to 11x14" Art print
Set of 8 Greeting Cards + Envelopes
Single Greeting Card + Envelope $4

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Tags:  sugar mill   lihue  

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