Lumahai River Mouth #602

Lumahai River Mouth, Makai — Kauai beaches - lumahai artwork by Emily Miller
The still green waters of Lumahai River flowing out into the steep shorebreak of Lumahai Beach at Kolokolo Point, on Kauai's north shore.

Plein air watercolor, 2017

8" x 10"

Original Painting Unavailable

Purchase Lumahai River Mouth, Makai — Kauai beaches Art Prints:

5x7 matted to 8x10" Art print
8x10 matted to 11x14" Art print
11x14" Paper giclee
16x20" Paper giclee
Set of 8 Greeting Cards + Envelopes
Single Greeting Card + Envelope $4

Need a different size? Ask about custom print sizes and formats

Tags:  lumahai