Sunset mountains from Kipu Road #192

Sunset mountains from Kipu Road, Mauka — the mountains - lihue, kipu, sunset, mountain artwork by Emily Miller
A second painting on Kipu Road, looking inland to the distant interior mountains. The light changed as we painted from late afternoon to golden pink sunset and my painting ended up somewhere in between!

Check out Helen Turner's pastel painting from the same spot.

, 2011

8 x 5

Original Painting Sold

Purchase Sunset mountains from Kipu Road, Mauka — the mountains Art Prints:

5x7 matted to 8x10" Art print
8x10 matted to 11x14" Art print
11x14" Paper giclee
16x20" Paper giclee
Set of 8 Greeting Cards + Envelopes
Single Greeting Card + Envelope $4

Need a different size? Ask about custom print sizes and formats

Tags:  lihue   kipu   sunset   mountain