Wai'oli Church, Hanalei #337

Wai'oli Church, Hanalei, La'a o ke akua — Kauai churches - church, green, hanalei, mountains, palm trees artwork by Emily Miller
Wai'oli Hui'ia Church is located in the small town of Hanalei on Kauai's north shore, with the Hanalei mountains and waterfalls rising beyond the Hanalei Valley taro fields.

The Wai'oli Mission was established by American Christian Missionaries in 1834. The present Wai'oli Church building was constructed in 1912. The Mission Hall, behind the main church building, was completed in 1837 and is the oldest surviving church building on the island of Kauai.

Plein air watercolor, 2014

8" x 10"

Original Painting Unavailable

Purchase Wai'oli Church, Hanalei, La'a o ke akua — Kauai churches Art Prints:

5x7 matted to 8x10" Art print
8x10 matted to 11x14" Art print
11x14" Paper giclee
16x20" Paper giclee
12x16" Canvas wrap
18x24" Canvas wrap
24x32" Canvas wrap
Set of 8 Greeting Cards + Envelopes
Single Greeting Card + Envelope $4

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Tags:  church   green   hanalei   mountains   palm trees  

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