exhibits : Monuments, 2023

May. 2, 2023 - Jun. 23, 2023
Hillsboro Civic Center
Shirley Huffman Auditorium
150 E Main St, Hillsboro, OR 97123
Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
May 2 - June 23, 2023Hillsboro Civic Center
Shirley Huffman Auditorium
150 E Main St, Hillsboro, OR 97123
Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Film screening and artist demos at Walters Cultural Arts Center [map]
May 2 and June 6, 5-8pm
Monuments explores my ongoing grief process in sculptural installations and drawings created over the past two years, following my grandparents’ deaths of Covid. By instinct, I turned to the natural cycles of time — in the tides, the seasons, and the moon — as a way of re-grounding myself and processing the cycles of our lives and our loved ones.
A traditional monument has physical permanence, and most often exists as a marker of death. My work in this exhibit re-imagines the monument as a living engagement with continual cycles of change.
Monuments includes work from three projects in my grief process: 1000 Moons, Full Moon Drawings, and ghost net baskets Reliquaries and Polypods. These Monuments are not meant to stand forever, but to live and breathe with us, to create gentle space in our everyday lives for our losses and our loved ones.
When our Monuments exist as an active part of who we are, my hope is to cultivate space for greater empathy, kindness, and empowering acts of caring for those most vulnerable.
Exhibit funded in honor of Dorothy, Hillis, Warren and Uta Mae.
Monuments - Works Included